Frequently asked questions


Is online therapy safe?

Many folks find online therapy convenient (no more commute, no more waiting rooms!) We will be using a secure, private portal through Simple Practice. No recordings of sessions are allowed without permission, by the client or by the therapist.

If you are experiencing severe psychiatric symptoms, suicidal thoughts, or are seeking substance use treatment, online therapy may not be the most effective (nor the safest) treatment. If you have questions about whether online therapy is right for you, we can discuss it during a free consultation.

To do online therapy with me, you must also be a California resident, and you must be 18 years old or older.

How much does therapy cost?

Please schedule a free 20 minute consultation with me so we can discuss current session rates. Session rates will always be discussed during the consultation call, and prior to scheduling the first intake appointment.

It is worth noting that the average cost of psychotherapy in the U.S. ranges from $100 to $250 per session (depending on various factors including location, level of experience, etc.). My session rates are comparable to other experienced California psychologists.

Do you accept insurance?

At this time, I do not take insurance. I am considered a private pay provider. As a private pay provider, I accept credit/debit card payments for sessions. You may also use an HSA card, and you must have a secondary credit card on file.

Do you have emergency services?

I am not able to provide emergency services. Should you find yourself in an emergency situation, please dial 9-1-1 or visit the nearest emergency room to you. You may also dial 9-8-8 for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.

What does confidentiality entail?

Your identifying information and everything you talk about in sessions are confidential, which means I don’t share it with anyone else without your written permission. There are some limits to confidentiality, which include: if there is any risk of you harming yourself or others, and if there is any suspected child abuse, dependent adult abuse, or elder abuse. I am required by law to report those things, to make sure you and everyone involved is safe.

Do you do couples therapy or family therapy?

At this time I do not have couples therapy or family therapy services. I can provide you with referrals or directories to search for a therapist who offers those services.

Please reach out if you have
any additional questions ~